Indulge in St. Patrick’s Day festivities without worry!
If you have tooth sensitivity due to acid erosion, we have you covered.
Tooth decay has many causes — including acidic beverages like beer, pop, and sports/energy drinks that create an acidic environment in your mouth, which can lead
to multiple cavities.
Medications for high blood pressure, allergies, or other issues can lead to dry mouth
(a decrease in saliva production). The result is increased plaque and an acidic environment. Receding gums, which is the exposure of the root surface of your teeth,
also dramatically increase the incidence of tooth decay.
To help prevent further dental problems or the loss or your teeth, the two products below can offer you many benefits.
Once you’re done celebrating St. Patrick’s Day, call DeCastecker Dental Specialists for more information about these products and to make an appointment for a Fluoride Varnish application or a MI Paste Plus treatment.
Sláinte! “To Your Health,”
Estela V. DeCastecker, DDS
DeCastecker Dental Specialists